Classic “Corner Pitch” on The Shoe in Rockies Collapsed

Classic “Corner Pitch” on The Shoe in Rockies Collapsed
The third-pitch, also known as the Corner Pitch, on The Shoe “Le Soulier” in Banff National Parks has collapsed. The rockfall left a scar below and into the forest. The corner was an important feature for stem and jams, and was used for feet after passing the crux and onto the next anchor.
Nobody should attempt to climb it until the rock (which appears very dirty and loose) is inspected and the bolts possibly moved. The route was first climbed in the 1960s, and was retro-bolted within the past 20 years.
The four-pitch climb on the southeast face of Tunnel Mountain (Sleeping Buffalo) is one of the most classic multi-pitch bolted climbs close to the town of Banff. Below are a number of photos showing the damage.
There is currently an access closure to the top of The Shoe area, but climbers can access from below. We’ll update you once the climb has been checked out and fixed up.

The post Classic “Corner Pitch” on The Shoe in Rockies Collapsed appeared first on Gripped Magazine.
The big rockfall has been one of many around Banff in the past few days
The post Classic “Corner Pitch” on The Shoe in Rockies Collapsed appeared first on Gripped Magazine.
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