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My journey into piracy and the birth of Black Flags, Blue Waters

July, 2022
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Embark on an unforgettable adventure, filled with intrigue, mystery, and the promise of a new beginning.


 by Marissa
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You have an amazing story. You all look great..! H and Amihan are the heroes of your books and a movie of your life... Please save a brewed coffee for my table out the terrace in your next houseboat... I remember Amihan told me the story about how dangerous and beautiful the STING of a jellyfish she saw not swimming around because it doesn't have a fin but it was jumping around.๐Ÿ˜โคKeep sailing and living your freedom of life and be ready if I join in one of your escapades..๐Ÿ˜€

 by Lisa Adelaide
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Mike and I read this together and are so very excited for your family and your journey. We wish we were on the high seas with you for another adventure. We still talk about our amazing boat trip in the Philippines!

You guys should get Instagram! Introduce yourselves on there and share your journey! I think a lot of people would love to follow along with a real adventure family!

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My journey into piracy and the birth of Black Flags, Blue Waters

Piracy, epic tales of stand-offs, plunder, high-seas mystery, and intrigue are about how this story gets started. A story that is true, a manuscript that is currently in progress. Black Flags, Blue Waters is the offspring blog/vblog that has birthed from this event. An event which made us reevaluate the values of our lives and change course.

It all started when my 15-year-old son and I were arrested for Piracy, an unbailable charge, considered greater than murder in some countries. In jail, a second-by-second assault on the soul, a day-to-day degradation of the self, an oppressive steel and brick umbrella that transforms seconds into hours and hours into days. My son Himalaya and I waited for our inquisition hearing that was scheduled 36 hours after our arrest.

I learned first hand long ago when I was 12 years old, that locks didnโ€™t cure; they strangled. And now nearly 42 years later, my son Himalaya, who we call H, is paying that painful price like I did for his experience, learning more today about the world than he knew yesterday โ€“ the hell of the prison system โ€“ and I prayed he would survive it!

The stand-off at sea is a story in itself. We carried all legal documents SPA from the yacht owner and all proper boat documentation. We also gave copies of all paperwork to the Philippine Coast Guard before we boarded the boat, and I was not about to let anyone board the ship without showing any document or proof that they had the right to stand on the ship. This was a 5hr epic standoff story in itself that will soon be told.

During the inquisition, we learned of an alleged new owner. So, I signed a waiver to settle out of court because I knew that the alleged new owner/complainant got the yacht back without harm or damage only a few hours after we set sail.

Also, I believed the alleged new owner/complainant would dismiss the case/charges on the understanding that I did not know the sailboat had been sold, was not aware of any illegal activity, and was only acting in good faith.

I was given the next 7 days to file a counter-affidavit. The case was on the fiscal level, and we are trying hard to resolve it before it was filed in Court. Since it is non-bailable, by all means, we did not want to sit in jail while battling it off in court- this could have taken 1-2 years. That said, the complainant then demanded php500,000- or 10,000usd for her to withdraw the case when we preposed to settle out of court.

On the advice of multiple attorneys, who I will quote, โ€ you will spend more time in jail and money on attorneys battling this out in court than you will be paying the complainant for her demandsโ€. Weighing the cost-Benefit Principle, I then paid 10k USD, and the complainant signed an affidavit of desistance. The counter affidavit and affidavit of desistance were filed. We waited for another 2 weeks for the prosecutorโ€™s resolution counting the hours, counting the days. Each morning when I woke up, it seemed like a fucking reverse nightmare, everything was a state of grayness, numbness, and hopelessness, with a lot of uncertainty.

When we were released after 1 month in a Philippine jail on trumped-up charges of piracy for delivering a yacht, which turned out as an elaborate money extortion scheme, it left us, desperately pondering our choices- either lose our humanity and take the bitter road to resentment or take a positive turn and make a better world for our children and our collective in the larger world. We wanted to build a life that would inspire us to do good and to make a difference. And so, we decided to embark on a journey of exploration and discovery that would take us to different parts of the world, where we could learn about different cultures, meet new people, and engage in acts of kindness and generosity.

Our mission was simple: to spread kindness and positivity wherever we went, to help people in need, and to make the world a better place, one small act at a time. And so, we set out on our sailboat, with nothing but a few hundred dollars and a sense of purpose, determined to make a difference.

Our journey took us to different parts of Southeast Asia, where we met people from all walks of life, from fishermen and farmers to artists and entrepreneurs. We learned about their cultures, their struggles, and their hopes and dreams. And in every place we visited, we tried to do something to make a difference, whether it was teaching English to underprivileged children, distributing food and supplies to people affected by natural disasters, or simply lending a listening ear to those in need.

As we traveled, we documented our experiences and shared them with the world through our blog and vlog, Black Flags, Blue Waters. Our hope was that by sharing our journey, we could inspire others to take action and make a difference in their own communities.

And it seems that our mission has struck a chord with many people. We have received messages from all over the world, from people who have been inspired by our story and have started their own projects to make a difference. We have also been invited to speak at various events and conferences, where we have shared our message of kindness and positivity.

Our journey has not been easy, and we have faced many challenges along the way. But through it all, we have remained committed to our mission and to each other. We have learned that no matter where we go, or what we do, we can always find ways to make a positive impact.

As we continue on our journey, we are excited to see where it will take us next. We hope to visit more parts of the world, meet more people, and engage in more acts of kindness and generosity. We believe that our journey is not just about us, but about all of us, and that together we can make the world a better place, one small act at a time.

So, join us on our journey, and let’s make a difference together.


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Riding On Mermaid

"So stay tuned for its release".


ย If you value our work, we strongly encourage you to make a contribution. Financial support is crucial to the continuation of our activities at this stage, we currently do not cover our monthly costs. We just took a big hit and inflation and fuel prices are completely out of control. Keep our voyage online and accessible to all, make a donation today ๐Ÿ™‚


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At ExplorersPod, we are passionate about creating a better world for future generations. Through our various projects and achievements, we aim to inspire students and adults alike to become explorers in their own right and make a positive impact on the world around them.

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Todd, Janet, Himalaya, and Amihan Star

โ€œTwenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. โ€ – Mark Twainย [SAMUEL CLEMENS]

Quick Video

Dolphins are graceful, sleek swimmers that can reach speeds of more than 18 miles an hour. They are also playful and often frolic in a boatโ€™s wake, leaping out of the waterโ€”possibly for fun or to communicate.ย  Dolphins never cease to amaze us!

Quich Tips -Cooking Underwayย 

1. Presure Cooker

Since we are fulltime cruisers now we’ve started using a pressure cooker daily. Currently, on the shortlist of galley MVPs on board Meermaid largely because of the benefits pressure cookers provide; reduce galley heat, lower fuel consumption, and offer great shortcuts to many meals.

Beans are one of our go-to passage meals.

One-pot meals are essential while underway. When you can cook a meal in one pot (especially if keeping an eye on the helmย  and/or two busy children) your day at sea just got a lot easier. Simplified prep, fewer dishes, and pressure cookers have locking lids by design, which means added safety if seas are a little dicy.

The easy storage of dried beans makes them a favorite among cruisers. They taste better than their canned brethren, and create less garbage. Cooking dried beans is often the first thing new pressure cooker owners learn to appreciate.


We love yogurt but most of the time it is hard to find and in some places quite exspensive. Being able to DIY on board is very helpful for both access and reducing waste (no more plastic tubs!). We use powdered milk and a thermos. Its easy, convenient and makes for lovely yogurt every day.ย 


I was introduced to perfect-every-time rice in a pressure cooker. Rice is the most widely available staple we have found while crusing the world, making this especially helpful.

Cooking rice in your pressure cooker. I put my rice, seasoning and water on the bottom, then slice sausage on top and pressure cook. Total meal in one pot. The sausage juices drip down and season the rice, yum!โ€


Our presure cooker is perfect for steaming fresh crab. โ€œOur small pot fits four halves (two crabs, with guts removed). Add 1/2 c water, pressure cook 5 minutes and then quick release outside on the rear deck. It is also great for steamed clams, lobster and fish curry. Have fun and enjoy!

Great food
Presure Cooker

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 by Marissa
Follow these Guyz!

You have an amazing story. You all look great..! H and Amihan are the heroes of your books and a movie of your life... Please save a brewed coffee for my table out the terrace in your next houseboat... I remember Amihan told me the story about how dangerous and beautiful the STING of a jellyfish she saw not swimming around because it doesn't have a fin but it was jumping around.๐Ÿ˜โคKeep sailing and living your freedom of life and be ready if I join in one of your escapades..๐Ÿ˜€

 by Lisa Adelaide
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Mike and I read this together and are so very excited for your family and your journey. We wish we were on the high seas with you for another adventure. We still talk about our amazing boat trip in the Philippines!

You guys should get Instagram! Introduce yourselves on there and share your journey! I think a lot of people would love to follow along with a real adventure family!





  1. Pat. Gavin

    Just remember life’s not fair family first and one step at a time enjoy every minute of every day you have been blessed with a wonderful life keep exploring enjoy. Bless your family my friend I’m still jealous of all your experiences .just got done with a week hiking in the sawtooth range found out I’m getting older but I’m planning a return trip in Sept one foot in front of the other never quit
    Be mentally strong and always go one step more miss you my friend!!!

    • belarminoventures

      @ Pat Gavin. I agree that life is not fair, nevertheless, do what inspires you. Life is too short, family first and love what you do every day. Complaining will not get anything done.

  2. Marissa

    Todd/ have a wonderful life story..H and Amihan are amazing, they are the heroes of your books..keep exploring and I always savor the smoky coffee out on the terrace while Amihan is telling me the story about the dangerous STING of a jellyfish she saw swimming around but she said ‘jumping’ around because it doesn’t have


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