Pull The Hook And Hoist The Sails
Hoisting the sails, a gift to our family, a passage to KK

As I woke up on this auspicious day of August 1st, my mind immediately drifted towards my daughters, and the significance of this month. August has always been a powerful month for us – a month when we have both lost it all and gained everything. It’s a time of reflection, rejoicing, and prayer.
But today was different. Today, we set sail around the world, as a family. I couldn’t help but think about the words of Jon Krakauer in his book, Into The Wild. He wrote that the joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences and an endlessly changing horizon, where each day brings a new and different sun. I couldn’t agree more with him.
My family means everything to me, and this journey is a gift to them. But it’s not going to be easy. We are traveling unvaccinated in a post-Covid world, with mandatory travel and boat insurance, the rising cost of fuel, and soaring inflation. And let’s not forget the constant PCR testing we will have to undergo while checking in and out of different countries.
But despite the challenges, I remain unafraid. There is a lot before us, and when everything seems to be falling apart, I know we will depend on our resourcefulness. “Family Is The World’s Greatest Team” will be our motto.
As we set off on our journey, I am reminded of a short story by Janet about our first passage to Kota Kinabalu. It was a challenging experience, but it taught us the importance of perseverance and teamwork.
So, let us keep exploring, and never forget the power of freedom.
Skip Freedom
The Passage – A Thrilling Night on the Open Seas
As we bid farewell to the Philippines and set sail for Sabah, I couldn’t help but feel a mix of excitement and unease. The sea had always been a fickle mistress, and as we left the comfort of land behind, I felt my stomach churn with anticipation. We were in for an all-nighter, with Skip at the helm and H hoisting the sails. The wind was set to pick up later in the evening, and we were eager to ride the waves.
The first few hours went by smoothly, but as we reached the tip of Balabac and headed for the straits, I could feel the water growing rougher and the wind stronger. I tried to focus on Amihan, who seemed oblivious to the sudden shift in the environment, but the unease continued to gnaw at me. Skip ordered H to hoist the staysail, headsail, main and mizzen sails, and we were full on, powered by wind alone.
As the night wore on, H and I started to feel the effects of seasickness. It had been a while since we’d encountered such big seas, and it was taking time to get our sea legs back. I retreated below deck with Amihan, hoping to rest and regain my composure. Skip and H, ever the experienced sailors, took turns with their shifts, navigating the treacherous waters with ease.
From time to time, I would wake up and feel the boat heeling on the starboard, hear the water splashing against the hull and the wind blowing and hollering onto the sails. The wind was our lifeline, powering us forward without the need for diesel, and as we sailed into the morning light, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of awe at the raw power of nature.
As we passed by squidders, fishermen who fished for squid, and oil and gas rigs that emitted bright orange light, I felt a sense of gratitude for the opportunity to sail again. It had been too long since I’d felt the wind in my hair and the sun on my face, and I savored every moment of the journey.
Morning broke, and with it came the silhouette of Mt. Kota Kinabalu, looming majestically in the distance. As we cruised along the coast of Sabah, the wind died down, and we were forced to rely on the engine once more. But even as we covered the final 50 nautical miles to Kota Kinabalu, the memory of the wind and the waves lingered, and I knew that I would never forget this journey.
As we dropped anchor in front of the city bay walk, greeted by rainbows and a magnificent sunset, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of accomplishment. We had braved the open sea and arrived safely in Sabah, ready to explore all that this beautiful country had to offer. Welcome to KK, Sabah, Malaysia.
Janet Belarmino
Sailing Expeditions

Quick Video
Landfall in Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia. The basic instinct of a human being is his search for freedom. I have always been on that search. Freedom; that comes from living in the moment and doing what makes us feel the most alive has always been the key for me. It is about the infinite possibilities available to anyone willing to climb on and push through. It’s about feeling that pull of nature and wanting to go deeper into that element, that ocean. Veteran surf publisher Steve Pezman says it well when he says: “The wave is forming in front of you, the wave is over your head, your wake is disappearing, and your footprints are washed from the beach. There’s no material production from having done it. There’s no depletion. There’s no creation. It’s just an aesthetic instant.”- That’s the goal- to live with my wife and family in search of new experiences, with an endlessly changing horizon, each day to give to my children a new and different sun. – Skip Freedom
If you value our work, we strongly encourage you to make a contribution. Financial support is crucial to the continuation of our activities at this stage, we currently do not cover our monthly costs. We just took a big hit and inflation and fuel prices are completely out of control. Keep our voyage online and accessible to all, make a donation today 🙂
"Keep our voyage online and accessible to all!

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Keep exploring!
Todd, Janet, Himalaya, and Amihan Star
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. ” – Mark Twain [SAMUEL CLEMENS]
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