Everest 2021: Summit Plans
Everest 2021: Summit Plans
The remanence of Cyclone Tauktae is playing cat and mouse with the aggressive teams. Madison Mountaineering hoped to get a jump on everyone and went to C3 only to find high winds. Four Sherpas from IMG made it to the South Col and also reported high winds. So the summit plans are off by a day with Madison now targeting May 22.
The post Everest 2021: Summit Plans appeared first on The Blog on alanarnette.com.
The remanence of Cyclone Tauktae is playing cat and mouse with the aggressive teams. Madison Mountaineering hoped to get a jump on everyone and went to C3 only to find high winds. Four Sherpas from IMG made it to the South Col and also reported high winds. So the summit plans are off by a day with Madison now targeting May 22.
The post Everest 2021: Summit Plans appeared first on The Blog on alanarnette.com.
Alan Arnette{authorlink}
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